"If You Take Santa to School"

Submitted by ts on

"If you take Santa to School" by Hobble Creek Elementary first graders.

Miss Tami Johnson's first grade class at Hobble Creek Elementary, in Nebo School District, created a story inspired by "If you take a Mouse to the Movies" story.

Enjoy and thank you for sharing first graders.

Nebo Girls Experience Enlightening Hour of Code

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Nebo School District's Advanced Learning Center hosted 200 junior high-aged girls in the Hour of Code. Students traveled from seven junior high schools in Nebo for an “enlightening” field trip to learn and see code in an “electrifying” way.  

Superintendent Continues to “Focus on Students”

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Superintendent Nielsen and Secondary Director Anderson look forward to meeting with high school student leaders every couple of months to address the students’ concerns and listen to their successes. 

Sierra Bonita Enthralls Nebo School Board of Education

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Principal Garrett Andersen thanked the Nebo School Board of Education for the opportunity to present some highlights of Sierra Bonita. He then introduced his staff and students.

BYU Honors Two Nebo Educational Leadership Awards

Submitted by lana.hiskey on

Each academic year, the faculty of the Educational Leadership and Foundations Department chooses one student from each cohort to receive the School Leadership Award. This decision is based on observed leadership potential and demonstrated academic excellence in coursework.