Contact Nebo School District

Please feel free to contact us! There are many options available, see below:

Office hours:

8:00am to 5:00pm (M-F)
(See the district calendar for days of operation and the District Office portal to find a map and directions.)

Mailing Address:

350 South Main
Spanish Fork, UT 84660


(801) 354-7400

More direct phone numbers can be found listed on Department pages (see Departments Menu).


(801) 798-4010

Email: (Questions or Comments)

question-comment [at] nebo [dot] edu

Have questions or comments about Nebo School District? Send your E-mail to question-comment [at] nebo [dot] edu. We will do our best to direct it to the appropriate place. To receive a personal reply, you must include your real name and e-mail address (phone number and mailing address is optional).

If your question or comment is specifically about the website, E-mail webmaster [at] nebo [dot] edu. If referencing a specific page, please include the url (web address) to that page. To receive a personal reply, you must include your real name and e-mail address (phone number and mailing address is optional).

School Contact Information: